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Telepathy Training

I have developed a full proof TELEPATHY TRAINING LECTURE PLAN which can be used by telepathy masters to pass on their skills to their pupils. I have checked its working, it is hundred percent effective:-

Step A . Understanding telepathy basics and its working procedure

Step B . Telepathy is a naturally ability and it happens in everyone's life.

Step C. The beauty of mind - Zero thought or no thought

Step D. How to establish connection between two minds , how do brain waves are caught and transmitted.

Step E. The unlimited power of human brain.

Step F. Transmission of pictures and images.

Step G. Catching mind waves and interpreting them

Step H. How does will power of other person works as resistance against telepathy connection establishment.

Step I . Truth and Myths about telepathy

Step J. Telepathy communication between two people.

Step K. Accuracy gaining techniques.

The above lecture plan is for the beginners only and it takes just two months to get completed. I have successfully attempted it many times and now sharing it with others.


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