The real you (Astral Technique V)
Be silent , close your eyes and feel your body to be completely frozen. Try get deep inside you as much as possible, a calmness of the soul will be felt to you. Go running inside deep with your full life energy.
You have to become buddha, go just piercing your astral body to be very center of your being. The deep great silent will be felt by you. just keep on descending the silent . At this moment you will be
the most valuable on the planet. A divine ecstasy will start blooming in the very center of your being like a morning lotus.
The aroma will be of another divine world. At this particular moment you will just have to witness everything but do not get identify by anything.
you are nor body not mind , you are are not astral body full of light but you are just a witness, watching and reflecting like a plane mirror. This is the only mirror where no dust can ever gather.