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Sending Love To Another Person

This technique is best practiced while seated in a meditative state or lying in bed. Think of the person you wish to send love to and focus on them for a few moments. Set the intention in your mind that you are about to telepathically send your love to that person. It is important that you send your love gently and unconditionally. Hold the intention that you are going to make your love available for them to accept if they choose, rather than that you are going to force it upon them.

Next, think of how much you love and care about the person. Feel these feelings in your heart and let them begin to build up. Now imagine that these emotions are available to flow from you to the person, in the form of a beautiful energy. Imagine that you are gently offering this love energy to the person. You will need to be intuitive and sensitive to the receiving person. Try to feel whether or not they seem to be accepting this energy from you.

You may have to spend ten minutes or more in this initial stage of gently offering your love and making it available to the person, before they start accepting it. If they do not seem to want to accept it after trying for about ten minutes, stop and try again another time.

If the person starts to accept you love energy, you should notice that it seems to have begun flowing or that it feels like it is going into them. You may find you need to keep bringing your awareness back to the feelings in your heart, in order to maintain the generation of your love energy, or you may find that your love will just keep coming forth automatically. Once the receiver starts to accept the energy and it starts flowing to them, it will usually build up gradually to a more steady flow.

You will need to be intuitive and sensitive to the receiving person in order to be aware of when they have had enough. You may also notice at some point that they have had enough of one kind of love and then need another kind. Some examples of different kinds of love a person may need are: caring, nurturing, warmth, supportiveness, comforting, calming, soothing, acceptance, understanding, gentleness, sweetness, reassurance, encouragement and forgiveness.

Telepathic Love Therapy is most effective when sent regularly (daily in some cases), and a suggested time length for each sending session would be between fifteen minutes and an hour. This technique works on a subconscious level, by-passing the conscious mind of the receiver. It is not necessary to tell the receiver you are doing it, and the technique is often more effective when they are totally unaware that you are.

You don't have to know where the receiver is or what they're doing. Distance is no barrier. They can be lying next to you asleep, or hard at work on the other side of the world, and your love will automatically go to them and do its work. You will usually find that a person will accept the love you send more readily after the first couple of sessions, as they get more used to it and come to trust it. When you send someone love on a regular basis, the connection between you will develop over time and you will most likely be able to sense it developing.

You may find you have been sending love regularly to someone for a while, and come to a point where it doesn't seem to be flowing as well as it used to, or you no longer seem to be connecting with the person very well when you do it. This could be because the receiver is now subconsciously pulling away. This may be because they need some space, and a break from the love you're sending, or it could be because they just need a bit less. It is possible to smother someone by sending them too much love, in which case the effect will not be beneficial.

If you think the receiver may be pulling away, you will have to use your intuition and either stop completely for a while (a couple of days or maybe more) or try sending less.

Sending love telepathically will stimulate your heart chakra to open further. The more you practice, the better you will become at it and the more love you will be able to generate. You will find that as you channel your own love, you will be filling yourself with it as well. This will have a very beneficial self-healing effect. It is common to notice yourself full of love and feeling wonderful after a sending session.

This technique is a great compliment to absent healings sent using Sekhem, Reiki or other channelled healing energies. It will balance and support the person during their healing process and can also speed up the healing process.

Telepathic Love Therapy can have miraculous results. Some examples of improvements in a relationship that often result are: feeling more in tune with one another, noticing less of a barrier between you, feeling less distance between you, feeling more love and warmth between you, noticing a feeling of greater understanding of one another, feeling more connected with each other, generally feeling more whole, happy and fulfilled in the relationship.

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