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I have developed a technique for looking into future incidences

First of relax each and every part of your body by giving verbal command that your toes are relaxing and all its muscles , carry on the same process till top head one by one, repeat the process again. After relaxing your body relax your brain just see in imagination a whiteboard and see number 1 written on it, clearly visible, than number 2 little visible than number 3, the little visible and than number 4 not visible if you get shadow of it go to number 5, repeat the process once again.

Now imagining yourself in a grass land on full moon night, start running in the grassland and keep on running, soon you will see white clouds which will be having a path to run towards sky, keep on running upon the clouds.

Your body will be full of sweat but you will be feeling fresh and active. A cave will come on the way "Future Cave" enter into the cave and move slowly soon you will reach to the other end of the cave which is full of brightness just jump and you will find yourself moving upwards, wait till the things become visible. Now you are in future.

Draw back:- we come to know time only after reaching into future, we cannot go to the exact time of our choice. I am still working on it to make it more effective and specially on timing factor. I request all of you to please practice it and share your experiences.

Thank you, thank you, thank you

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