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Astral Love Making

Astral love making is a unique technique which requires at least one person must know astral travel. Astral love making does not make any impact upon the physical body but it helps enhancement of other person's astral power. If you have even little bit of astral power you can perform it. I have practiced astral love with trees , animals and even birds and to my surprise the tree which I had chosen for astral love grew sweetest fruits and that too in maximum quantity. Animals and birds followed my commands of movement. The most important was the pleasure which I got, it was totally divine and heavenly. In case of animals, trees and birds I just loved their astral body in the same manner as we do physically. such as patting them, moving hands on their head etc.

When I performed astral love making with opposite sex, it was more amazing because my partner told me she could never get a pleasure of such kind while making physical love and now she always demands for astral love making instead of physical.

While making astral love distance does not matter but willingness of other person naturally enhances transcendental impact of heavenly pleasure. Its give feeling of having Aphrodite as a partner and showering of God's love.

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