Telepathy: Dream seduction technique
Basic requirements 1. Photo of the girl/boy whom you want to seduce 2. Sleeping timing of the girl, it will be a best if choose time between 1 AM to 3 AM. 3. A silent room 4. Switch off your mobile 5. Chose a girl/boy known to you to see her reaction next day.
Step 1 Enhance your concentration level Sit on a chair in a comfortable position, close your eyes and concentrate on your respiration path for two minutes. Start counting from hundred to one (initially you will have to do this but after few sessions ten to one will do the job), while counting see each number in your imagination. If the imagination is not clear see the number again and again till it gets clear. Step Two See the girl/boy from bottom to top (whom you want to seduce) in your imagination that she/he is sitting in front of you. Specially concentrate on her/his eyes and forehead (order point). Talk to her/him in very gentle manner and express your love towards her. (It will be better if you read her figure, eyes and face before starting the session) Step Three With full authority give command to your brain to get connected with her/him through telepathy while giving command concentrate on her/his eyes and forehead. If you feel a light sensation of pleasure it means you have established the connection with her/his subconscious mind. Step four Love making is an art; here your job is to satisfy the girl/boy completely not your own satisfaction (latter you can have it also). You will have to start with a gentle kiss and proceed towards taking off her/his cloth one by one slowly. Kiss each and every part of her body and whisper that she/he is extremely beautiful. Repeat it as many times as possible in one or different words. The more close you come to her/him you will find your pleasure enhancing in the same ratio as you come closer to him/her. Make it a point your task is to take her/him to prime pleasure or ejection at least five times, to generate hundred percent satisfaction for her. Try as many as sex position you know. Whenever she will eject you will feel her pleasure and that will be surety of established connection.
How to know the result
As I suggested you to choose a known girl with whom you can have some conversation next day. If you notice some changes in her attitude, it will define your success. Please keep patience and carry on practice to get hundred percent results. Practice makes man perfect. Once you are perfect you can choose anyone from the world. As I do now. Note: - your confidence upon your ability is the key to success. Never doubt your telepathy ability.